Can SeaFood Lower Your Chances of Alzheimer’s?

Posted on May 25, 2022Comments Off on Can SeaFood Lower Your Chances of Alzheimer’s?

Need another reason to eat more seafood? Well, here it is. Research has shown that regular consumption of seafood is directly linked to a lower risk of brain changes that typically cause Alzheimer’s disease, especially those who are already at high risk of the disease. This is according to new study reports. Eating more seafood isn’t a guarantee that something like Alzheimer’s can’t happen, that is why looking into Hybrid Long Term Care Insurance is also important.
Some people worry about the types of fish with higher mercury content, like swordfish, because mercury is a metal that can accumulate and cause damage to nerves in the brain. Although mercury can accumulate in the brain causing health issues, fish high in this mercury did not appear to cause any dementia-related brain damage in older adults.
Early studies at the Rush University in Chicago have shown that eating fish and other types of aquatic creatures at least once weekly is linked to lower risks of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This study researched over five hundred men and women who were part of The Rush Memory and Aging Project, which is an ongoing study of elderly Chicago residents. 286 of these research participants have already passed away and had their brains analyzed, at an average age of 90 years old.
Seafood consumption may be beneficial for people who have E4 version of the APOE gene, which is the type of gene that is more greatly disposed to the risk of Alzheimer in older age. Nearly 15% of people carry the APOE-E4 gene, even though not everyone who has the gene carries the variant for which Alzheimers is related. Thanks to the study we know that compared to people who eat little to no seafood, the brains of those who eat seafood at least once a week and carry APOE-E4 gene had lower amounts of beta-amyloid plaques that are signs of Alzheimer’s disease. This study also found that the same cannot not be shown for those who do not have the APOE gene.
Even though more mercury is found in the brains of those who regularly consume seafood it is not linked to dementia related brain changes just as taking fish oil supplements are not linked to any brain abnormalities either, even though it shows higher levels of mercury in the brain.
If you are still rightfully concerned about the possibility of something like Alzheimer’s disease affecting you in old age, then having a hybrid long term care insurance plan may be smart for you. Hybrid long term care insurance guarantees to pay for things such as nursing home care, physical, occupational or speech therapy and helps with daily activities.
If you were to get Alzheimer’s would you rather know you’ll be properly taken care of and most likely be able to stay in your own home or would you be okay knowing you may be tossed into an underfunded and understaffed nursing home or care facility? Hybrid long term care is just like eating fish or seafood once a week. You may do neither and be semi healthy and okay, but on the other end you may choose to ignore the possibilities and end up losing everything because of your health, age, or disability. Preparing is important whether you start eating better, exercising, or changing your daily activities. Preparation for the future is the key to a successful future. So start eating more seafood and exercising regularly, but most importantly having protection through something like a hybrid long term care plan. Make sure to cover every angle of your long term care needs, before you need the care. If you wait until you need care then it will be too late to qualify for plans. There are many things you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s ,but nothing is guaranteed except that a hybrid long term care plan will ensure you receive care whether you need it or end up staying healthy until your death.

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